1 -4327 Hamilton Rd., Dorchester ON, N0L 1G3

Pelvic health concerns are far too common and rarely talked about. Many women suffer silently without realizing that there are effective, evidence-based treatment solutions. Ongoing research recognizes the importance of pelvic health physiotherapy.
Our services are provided in individual treatment rooms and provided by a qualified physiotherapist with specialized training in pelvic floor physiotherapy. Our therapist has taken additional training focusing around incontinence, prolapse, pelvic pain conditions and therapy pre and post partum. We aim to educate and treat women with pelvic related dysfunctions to help them reclaim their independence, dignity and active lifestyle.
We will begin with a one-on-one comprehensive assessment which will include discussing your current symptoms and taking a detailed medical history. Following this the therapist will progress to further external and internal examination as appropriate and as the patient is comfortable. We will then summarize our findings, answer any questions you have and create a personalized treatment plan. Treatment techniques include education, exercise and pelvic floor muscle awareness and training. Treatment will be individualized to your goals, needs and concerns. The number of treatments and duration to improve will vary, however weekly sessions are generally recommended. In addition to the physiotherapy sessions patients will be provided with home exercises that are to be completed daily. Occasionally additional techniques may be recommended.
Better Birth
Our Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Inez Roelen, is excited to announce a NEW Better Birth program. This program is a set of 5 pelvic health physiotherapy treatment sessions designed to help keep you moving during your pregnancy, prepare your body for delivery and set you up for a great postpartum recovery.
Your prenatal physiotherapy sessions focus on improving/preventing urinary incontinence, constipation, low back pain, pelvic pressure and more. We will help you achieve a FIT pelvic floor not a tight pelvic floor. Sessions will help to prepare you and help you deal with the anatomical and postural changes that you body will go through as your pregnancy progresses. Later sessions focus on preparation for delivery by stretching the pelvic floor muscles and perineal massage. We discuss education on optimal labour and delivery positions, hands on maneuvers to help alleviate discomfort during labour, how to push when baby is ready to arrive and how to reduce the risk of tearing. Finally we discuss what to expect post-delivery including tips to help with that first bowel movement, early postpartum movements, and activity guidelines for the first 6 weeks post-delivery.
Yes, pelvic floor physiotherapy is a completely safe therapy. To achieve the optimal benefit from the Better Birth program we recommend booking your initial visit at the beginning of your second trimester (13-14 weeks).